LIST OF BASIC UNIX COMMANDS ---Jonathan Rinfret --- pwd (print working directory) clear (clears screen) ls (list system) cd (change directory) cd . (displays directory) cd .. (moves up a directory) | (the pipe command- concatenates two commands) mkdir (make directory) rmdir (remove directory) touch (creates a file) cat > (creates a file and allows user input) head (shows the first ten lines of a file) tail (shows the last ten lines of a file) rm (removes a file) move (moves a file) ch (change command � this modifies files) chgrp (change file group) chown (change owner of file) chmod (change mode/attributes/permissions) find (finds a filename) date (produces the date) who (who is on the system) whois (who is the user inputted � produces more information) gcc (general c compiler) tcc (tiny c compiler)